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Windows 8

keyboard shortcuts

Open the charms bar
Switch between apps
Sticky app switcher
Snap multiple apps to the screen
WIN+. (period)
Close an app
Open the app bar
Open the settings panel in the charms bar

close an app

  1. Move the mouse pointer to the top-center of the screen until it turns into an open hand.
  2. Hold the mouse button down and drag to the bottom of the screen.
  3. When the app window shrinks to a thunmbnail, let go of the mouse button.

add an app to the tiles screen

  1. Right-click on an empty area and the app bar will appear at the bottom of the screen. Windows+Z will also do this.
  2. Click the All Apps button.
  3. Locate the app to add.
  4. Right-click on the apps.
  5. Select Pin to start.

command prompt

  1. Open an elevated command prompt or a command prompt at boot.
  2. Type bcdedit and press Enter.
  3. In the Windows Boot Loader section look for the identifier (ex: {current} or {default})
to disable Automatic Repair
bdcedit /set {identifier} recoveryenabled NO
to enable Automatic Repair
bdcedit /set {identifier} recoveryenabled YES
to enable the classic F8 Advanced Boot Options menu
bcdedit /set {identifier} bootmenupolicy legacy
to enable the newer Windows 8 Startup Options menu
bcdedit /set {identifier} bootmenupolicy standard